API Data Model

Andrew Anderson
Andrew Anderson
  • Updated

In this article, we will give you a simple overview of how the Athennian data is structured so that you can more efficiently understand and use our more detailed API documentation. This is our public ERD / data model overview which is segmented into the 4 sections below.

Data Model

Athennian is an entity data management tool which our customers use to primarily centralize, share, and otherwise manage all their entities (and related data). This improves various workflows for the following teams: legal, finance, tax, compliance, etc.

Access Data

Data Access Details
Access Groups


Secondary access via API

  • 0-1+ per key.


Primary access via API

  • 0-1+ per customer.
  • Each is generally specific to a customer’s full Athennian data set and contains multiple profiles.
  • Sandbox:
    • Test data generally.
  •  Production:
    • Live data generally.


Primary access via API

  • 0-1+ per environment and use case.
Profiles Optional:
Tertiary access via API
  • 0-1+ per access group.
  • Entity or person records/objects.

Collection Terms

Collection Summary Details
Address Profile addresses Data primarily relevant to a master/source, profile address (addresses, etc).
  • “Shared Addresses” (UI) refers to an address affiliation.
  • Container
    • A group of profile addresses owned by each profile.
Affiliation Collection connections Data primarily relevant to a relationship between a specific entity, person, address, registration, etc.
  • Target
    • Parent profile information. Often an Entity.
  • Participant
    • Child profile information. Often a person.
Classes Securities collection Data primarily relevant to types of ownership assets. AKA Shareclasses.
Entity Primary hub of most data Data primarily relevant to an entity (entities, company, organization, etc).
  • Examples: ID, Name, Type, Country, Tax ID, etc.
  • Company Groups
    • Segment of entities (optional).
Person Secondary hub of most data

Data primarily relevant to a person (people, contacts, principals, etc).

Registration Entity affiliation data Data primarily relevant to a registration (registration, etc).
  • Some general similarities to an Entity profile type.
  • See Notes below for ID/UID context.
Securities Collection label Refers to financial asset-related data collections: Classes, Shareholdings, Transactions.
Shareholdings Securities collection Data primarily relevant to ownership summation (from Transactions and Classes).
Transactions Securities collection

Data primarily relevant to a single, historical application of Classes, Shareholdings, etc.

  • Transaction type Issuance primarily supported.

Collection Map

Secondary Type
Other Collections
Addresses Profiles Links to owning Profile and container
Affiliations Profiles
  • Addresses
    • 0+
  •  Profiles
    • 2
  • Registration
    • 0-1 only
Entities Profiles
  • Affiliations
    • 0+
  • Registrations
    • 1+ always
People Profiles
  • Addresses
    • 0+
  •  Affiliations
    • 0+
Registrations Entities
  • Entity
    • 1 always
  •  Affiliation
    • 1 always
Securities Entities
  • Classes
    • 0+ per Entity
  • Shareholdings
    • 0+ per Class
  • Transactions
    • 0+ per Shareholding + Class


  • IDs
    • Note that usually our IDs are unique to each datapoint.
    • However, Registrations have 2 IDs (ID and UID).
      • ID matches the entity ID.
      • UID is the registrations Unique ID. If NULL than it is the home registration.
      • The ID of the home registration may change/update after a second registration is added to the entity.
  • Pagination
    • Option limit, skip, and sort functionality (e.g. PeopleQueryOptions).
      • Only applicable when collections are the primary operation/field and not nested within others (e.g. Affiliations vs Registrations.Affiliations).
      • Example: Skip 0 shows the 1st record (not page), skip 100 shoes the 101st record.
    • If available, it's recommended to always include pagination controls in your integration to ensure you are getting all of the relevant data. And any time that the response array total matches your result limit amount, you know you need to do one more skip in your loop/logic to get the rest of the data.
  • Structure Charts
    • We provide most of the data used to create charts, but no access to the charts themselves.
  • ERD
    • Additional Entity Relationship Diagrams are not available currently (#OP-3558).

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