Use tasks to generate all formation documents
Athennian allows users to generate any kind of formation document required to form an entity, including government forms as well as constitutional documents such as articles and operating agreements.
To generate formation documents for an entity, follow these simple steps:
Once the entity is created and all of the core information necessary for the formation of the entity is recorded in the database (i.e. shareholders, directors, officers, share classes, etc.), navigate to the Tasks section down the lefthand side of the screen and select + New;
In the Memo Description, add the title of the task;
In the task Type field, select Formation from the dropdown list;
Select the profile of the entity in which the task is being created;
Navigate to the 2. Formation tab on the left;
Fill in the various fields including the dates, names information, and incorporator information where applicable - note: if a British Columbia or Ontario entity is being formed, there is the option to EFile;
Navigate to the 3. Supporting Documents tab on the left and select Supporting Documents to choose the templates desired to generate the formation documents;
Click Create to create the task, and then select Generate Documents to generate the documents and to be redirected to the Documents section of the newly formed entity to view and edit them;
Once the task is Completed, navigate back to the Tasks section and click on the formation task that has just been created;
To change the status of the task to Completed, click the New status in the top righthand corner of the task window and select Completed from the dropdown list;
By making this selection, a prompt will appear to enter the Formation Date, and Confirmation Number (if applicable), then allowing the actions the user would like Athennian to take pursuant to the completion of the task checked off. Once the selections have been made, simply click Confirm in the bottom right-hand corner of the window.
Video Instructions:
If generating the organizing documents is desired, see an additional help article: