How to Import Classes

Sway Dominguez
Sway Dominguez
  • Updated

Learn how to import a Class if you have already set up a Class within the platform and wish to duplicate the details.

  1. From an Entity record, navigate to the Securities tab and select Classes available on the left side
    • If you are working in a brand new entity or have simply not created any classes yet, your Classes tab will be empty—it will simply say No records to display. To create one, simply follow the steps in Create a New Class article
  2. On the top right corner of the screen, click on + New then Import from Entity from the dropdown option
  3. In the Select Entity modal, search and select the applicable Entity that you wish to import the previously created Class
  4. In the next screen Create Class from Import, choose one or more Classes to import from by checking the boxes available on the left-hand side and then click Select at the bottom right corner of the box
  5. Your Class has now been successfully imported. You can confirm this by heading to the Securities tab and selecting Ownership available on the left. At the top center of the screen, click on the Transactions to begin issuing securities

Have fun importing!