Share Transactions Task

Amy Carr
Amy Carr
  • Updated

Generate documents and manage Ownership Transactions by using Share Transactions Tasks. 

Although documents can be generated to support transactions directly from the Securities section, the Share Transactions Task can perform more advanced functions or select specific data for document assembly.  

The Share Transactions Task has four primary functions:

  • Generate documents to support Ownership Transaction records. For example, Directors Resolutions, Stock Certificates, Subscription Agreements, etc.

  • Include Transactions across different Classes (generate documents, update dates, etc.)

  • Mass update transaction statuses and dates for all selected Transactions at once

  • Record and track details related to the Transaction (notes, due dates, assignee, etc.) 

To use some, or all, of the functions mentioned above, follow these steps to create a Task for Share Transactions:

  1. Navigate to the Entity record 
  2. Navigate to the Tasks section and select + New to create a new Task
  3. In the Memo Description field, type the title of the Task 
  4. In the Type field, select Share Transactions from the dropdown list 
  5. Update the Status of the Task is updated accordingly by clicking the drop-down status list in the top-right corner:
    • If the Task is not actively being worked on, leave the status as New (default status)
    • If the Task is actively being worked on, set the status to Pending
  6. Click Create to create the Task
  7. Navigate to the 2. Share Transactions tab
  8. Enter the Transaction Date (required) and Resolution Date (where applicable)
  9. At the bottom of the tab, select the + Securities button to pull up a list of all of the Transactions and Certificates for that Entity
  10. Navigate through the Transactions and Certificates tabs 
  11. Select the Checkbox for the Transactions and Certificates to be managed or documents generated in the Task
  12. Click Add to populate the Task with specific Transactions or Certificates
    Instead of clicking the + Securities button and selecting specific Transactions, it is also possible to click on the + Select all data button, which will add all Ownership Transactions and Certificates to the Task.  (This is particularly useful for a new Entity Formation that doesn't have a lot of history entered yet.) 
  13. Click Save to save the Task with the additional data
  14. If documents will be generated, navigate to the 3. Supporting Documents tab
  15. Click + Supporting Documents 
  16. Select the Checkbox for the desired template(s) that need to be generated for the selected Transactions or Certificates
  17. Click on Add to include them on the Task
  18. Click Generate Documents to generate the supporting documents
  19. A blue message will appear in the bottom left confirming "Generating documents - You'll be notified when it's completed" and the Task will be saved again automatically
  20. Once the documents have been generated, a green message will appear in the bottom left stating "Documents successfully generated" and the Task will be saved again automatically
  21. Documents can be viewed in two ways:
    • From the Task: Click on 4. Generated Documents to view the documents
    • From the Entity: Close the Task, and navigate to the Documents section of the Entity
  22. When the Task is completed, click on the status of the task in the top right corner and select Completed from the dropdown list
  23. This change will trigger a pop-up window that will allow you to make updates to the Entity record, select the appropriate options for this Task:
    • Selected Transactions
      • Update transaction date
      • Update resolution date
      • Set Pending transactions to confirmed
    • Selected Certificates
      • Update issuance date
      • Update cancellation date
      • Set pending certificates to issued
  24. Click Confirm to make the updates selected and save the Task status as Completed
    Once a Task has been set to Completed, it is possible to "un-complete" a Task and return it to a Pending status.  This allows you to reopen a Task make changes to the Task-specific data on the second tab and/or generate additional documents.