Creating and Managing Committees

  • Updated

Learn how to create Committees and appoint Members

To create a Committee;

  1.  Navigate to Governance > Committees and click +New in the top left hand corner to begin the workflow.
  2. Click on Details on the left and then enter in the following information for the Committee - Start Date, End Date, Name, Notice, Quorummceclip0.png
  3. Navigate to the Members tab on the left and click on +Add Member to select a member record from the list of people or click on New to create the new profile of a member. In the Date Appointed field, select a date that corresponds to the date this person was appointed a member of the committee. Click on +Address or +Title to add an address or an additional title the person holds on the committee. mceclip1.png
  4. Click Create in the bottom right-hand corner to create the committee.

Note: By default the Committee being created and the member (s) added will set with a Confirmed status. This can be changed to Inactive by clicking into Confirmed in the top right-hand corner.

To manage a committee,

  1. click into the committee record. A new window will show up on the right hand side of the screen.
  2. Click Edit to modify the necessary information and then click SaveScreen_Shot_2021-11-29_at_10.31.23_AM.png

To Delete a committee;

Navigate your cursor to the end of the committee record and select Delete.
