Registration Compliance Task

  • Updated

Create a registration compliance task and generate supporting documents

The Registration Compliance Task is designed to enable you to keep track of an entity's registration requirements when it comes to extra-provincial registrations, foreign qualifications, business name renewals, UCC filings, and various others.


To create a Registration Compliance Task, follow the steps enumerated below:

  1. Navigate to the entity profile for which you would like to create a task, select the Tasks section, and then select + New;

  2. In the task Type field, select Registration Compliance from the dropdown list and add a Memo Description for your new task;

  3. In the Registration field, select the applicable registration - Note: once you will have selected this task type, a 2. Registration Compliance tab will appear;

  4. Navigate to the 2. Registration Compliance tab to add the relevant dates;

  5. Add the relevant dates in the Resolution Date, Annual Report Date as well as the Effective Date fields;

  6. Select Show More and fill in the remaining fields as required;

  7. Navigate to the 3. Supporting Documents tab and select + Supporting Documents to generate the applicable documents;

  8. Select the appropriate templates and then click Add to include them as the supporting documents for the Registration Compliance Task;

  9. Select Create in the bottom righthand corner of the window to create the task, and then select Generate documents;

  10. Select View Documents Now to be redirected to the Documents section to edit, review and send the documents out for signature and/or filing;

  11. Once all of your documents are signed and filed in the system, set the task to Completed by selecting the status tab in the top right of the task card - once you select Completed, you will be prompted to confirm information and update various fields in the database;

  12. Check off the box for Update registration bring forward date to update the relevant field in Athennian;

  13. Check off the box for Update registration last filed date to update the relevant field in Athennian;

  14. Check off the box for Create next registration compliance task to set a new task for the next registration compliance due date; Note: A Registration compliance reminder task can also be created from the General > Registrations > Select Registration > Registration Dates tab. However, this is only available to EP Registration and Foreign Qualification

  15. Finally, select Confirm in the bottom righthand corner of the screen to finish the workflow.