Linking Documents to Registrations and Transactions

  • Updated

Learn how to link virtual minute book documents to registrations or transactions!

Creating links between data and documents contained in the virtual minute book of an entity in Athennian is super simple and easy to do! Athennian allows you to link documents to registrations and also allows you to link documents to securities transactions, certificates, options and warrants. Follow these simple steps to learn how it's done:



  1. Navigate to the profile of the entity for which you would like to manage document links;

  2. Upload the registration document to the virtual minute book by either 1) going to the Virtual Minute Book tab, selecting New File and then uploading the document from your local hard drive; or 2) going to the Documents tab, converting the applicable document to PDF format (if it isn't already), checking off the corresponding box, selecting Move, selecting Minute Book and then selecting the appropriate folder in the minute book to move it to;

  3. Navigate to General > Registrations;

  4. Link a document to an existing registration or a new registration by either clicking into the existing registration record or by creating a new registration record and then navigating to the Documents tab;

  5. Select + Link Documents;

  6. Select the minute book folder containing the document to be linked;

  7. Select the applicable document by checking off the corresponding box;

  8. Select Link to Registration;

  9. Select Save.

Securities Transactions, Certificates, Options and Warrants

  1. Navigate to the profile of the entity for which you would like to manage document links;

  2. Upload the transaction document/certificate to the virtual minute book by either 1) going to the Virtual Minute Book tab, selecting New File and then uploading the document from your local hard drive; or 2) going to the Documents tab, converting the document to PDF format (if it isn't already), checking off the corresponding box, selecting Move, selecting Minute Book and then selecting the appropriate folder in the minute book to move it to;

  3. Navigate to Securities > Shares/Options/Warrants;

  4. Link a document to an existing transaction/certificate/option/warrant or a new Confirmed transaction/certificate/option/warrant by either clicking into the existing transaction/certificate/option/warrant record or by clicking into the new Confirmed transaction/certificate/option/warrant record and then navigating to the Documents tab;

  5. Select + Link Documents;

  6. Select the minute book folder containing the document to be linked;

  7. Select the applicable document by checking off the corresponding box;

  8. Select Link to Transaction/Certificate/Option/Warrant;

  9. Select Update.