Learn how the recipient views and signs the document!
With Athennian, grabbing or completing an eSignature is easy. Simply accept the terms and eSign the document, here’s how:
An email in your inbox from Athennian saying that there's an Invitation to Sign a document. When the email is opened, there is the option to click Sign.
Once the window opens, check the box for "I agree to use electronic records and signature" before continuing.
Once that box is checked, Continue will show up on the right-hand side of the screen - click on it.
Once Continue is clicked, you’ll be directed to the first signature box (or the only one if there is only one to be signed). The box will be highlighted, simply click on it.
Once the signature box has been clicked, you’ll have an opportunity to sign. Do this by staying in the Signed window and drawing your signature with your cursor.
Or you can switch to Typed and type out your signature.
Once completed, simply hit Submit.
Whichever signature choice is chosen, it will now appear in the Signature Box.
Once you’re satisfied with your signature, choose Complete on the top right-hand corner.
Once you’ve hit Complete a pop-up will show on the screen that notifies you that your Contract has been confirmed.
If you need to make a correction, simply choose Go Back in the bottom right-hand corner.