Export Capitalization Tables

  • Updated

Use Athennian's pre-built Cap Table to summarize Securities data across Classes!

Capitalization Tables generated for an Entity will create an Excel sheet with two tabs:

  • Summary Capitalization Table: summarizes the total number of outstanding Shares/Units and percentage Ownership across all Classes in the Entity.
  • Detailed Capitalization Table: breaks down the number of outstanding Shares/Units and percentage Ownership for each Holding in the Entity.
  1. Navigate to the Securities section of the Entity, then select Ownership

  2. In the top right, click on the Generate button

  3. A drop-down of available options will appear, select Cap Table

  4. To generate a current Cap Table, leave the As-At Date field blank, or click on the As-At Date field and use the calendar pop-up to select the date the Cap Table data 

  5. Click Export

  6. The generated Cap Table will be saved in an Excel (.xlsx) format and is available in your web browser download files