The lookup function allows us to access collections within another collection.
From within a collection, use the lookup function and a shared unique variable to connect the two collections.
{#collection 1}{#collection 2 | lookup:shared unique variable | [insert filters] | [insert functions]}{/}{/}
Example 1: Amalgamation
Amalgamating Company #1: Accounting LLC | |
Principals: | Ben Wyatt - Chief Executive Officer |
Amalgamating Company #2: Citi Bank LLC | |
Principals: | Leslie Knope - President |
Ron Swanson - Vice-President |
Collection #1: entities | |
shared unique variable: entityID | entityName |
6307a94aafa5f90a9f67ba74 | Citi Bank LLC |
6307a95dafa5f90a9f67ba7d | Accounting LLC |
Collection #2: affiliations | ||
shared unique variable: entityID | participant_fullName | title |
6307a94aafa5f90a9f67ba74 | Leslie Knope | President |
6307a94aafa5f90a9f67ba74 | Ron Swanson | Vice President |
6307a95dafa5f90a9f67ba7d | Ben Wyatt | Chief Executive Officer |
Desired Result:
If we want to find and list the officers within each amalgamating entity, we would start by opening the entities collection to identify the different entities that are now amalgamating together and then use the shared unique variable, entityID, to identify the officers and their positions from the affiliations collection for each entity.
{#tasks | grab:1:'amalgamatingEntities'}{entityName}
Name | Title |
{#affiliations | lookup:entityID | status:'confirmed' | filter:'role':'Officer'}{participant_fullName} | {title}{/} |
City Bank LLC
Name | Title |
Leslie Knope | President |
Ron Swanson | Vice-President |
Accounting LLC
Name | Title |
Ben Wyatt | Chief Executive Officer |
Example 2: Shareholdings
In this use case, we will begin with the shareholdings collection and pulling the shareholding name and number of shares and then pulling the class name and voting rights from the shareclasses collection. Below is the sample share data:
Collection #1: shareholdings | ||
shared unique variable: shareclassID | shareholdingName | numShares |
234f0g9lq | Michael Scott | 500 |
234f0g9lq | Dunder Mifflin Paper Co. | 1000 |
234f0g9lq | Jim & Pam Halpert, jointly | 250 |
vf0456kfs |
Darryl Philbin | 100 |
Collection #2: shareclasses | ||
shared unique variable: shareclassID | className | votingRights |
234f0g9lq | Common | true |
581sfp8hd | Preferred | false |
vf0456kfs | Special | false |
Desired Result:
In sentence format, the name each shareholder, followed by the number of shares, voting rights and class of shares they hold.
{#shareholdings}{shareholdingName} holds {numShares | commaSeparate} {#shareclasses | lookup:shareclassID}{#votingRights}voting {/}{#!votingRights}non-voting {/}{className} shares.{/}
Looping the shareholdings collection, insert the name of each shareholding, the number of shares, the voting rights, and the name of the class they hold. The lookup function will connect these two collections by the shareclassID (shared unique variable). This allows you to pull the relevant data that is pertinent to each specific shareholder that is contained in the shareclasses collection.
Michael Scott holds 100 voting Common shares.
Dunder Mifflin Paper Co. holds 1,000 voting Common shares.
Jim and Pam Halpert, jointly holds 250 voting Common shares.
Darryl Philbin holds 100 non-voting Special shares.
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