Create and Manage Committees

Sway Dominguez
Sway Dominguez
  • Updated

Learn how to create committees and appoint members.

Create a Committee

  1. Go to Governance and select Committees from the options. Click the + New button in the top-right corner to start the workflow
  2. A new modal will appear with the following sections: Details & Members


    • Name 
    • Start Date
    • End Date
    • Notice
    • Quorum
    • Use on Register From
    • Use on Register To


      • + Add Member: Select the holding name
      • Choose the holding
      • Holding (Holding Name): Select the person

      • Shares (Select shares to transfer from)

  3. Details

    Within the new modal, fill out the information required to move on to the members section

  4. Add Members

    In the Members section, click + Add Member, and a modal will open where you can:

    • Select an existing member record or click + New to create a new member profile
    • In the Appointed field, select the appointment date
    • Click Select Address to add an address
    • Use + Add Title to assign an additional title for the member
  5. Click Save in the bottom-right corner to create the committee
    Note: By default, new committees and members will have a Confirmed status. To change it to Inactive, click Confirmed in the top-right corner

Manage a Committee

  1. Go to Governance and select Committees
  2. Click on the committee record to open it
  3. A modal will appear, allowing you to make changes
  4. Click Save when finished

Delete a Committee

  1. Go to Governance and select Committees.
  2. Hover over the right side of the committee record and select Delete

Follow these steps to efficiently manage committees in Athennian