Learn how to create committees and appoint members.
Create a Committee
- Go to Governance and select Committees from the options. Click the + New button in the top-right corner to start the workflow
- A new modal will appear with the following sections: Details & Members
- Name
- Start Date
- End Date
- Notice
- Quorum
- Use on Register From
- Use on Register To
- + Add Member: Select the holding name
- Choose the holding
Holding (Holding Name): Select the person
Shares (Select shares to transfer from)
- Name
- Details
Within the new modal, fill out the information required to move on to the members section
- Add Members
In the Members section, click + Add Member, and a modal will open where you can:
- Select an existing member record or click + New to create a new member profile
- In the Appointed field, select the appointment date
- Click Select Address to add an address
- Use + Add Title to assign an additional title for the member
- Click Save in the bottom-right corner to create the committee
Note: By default, new committees and members will have a Confirmed status. To change it to Inactive, click Confirmed in the top-right corner
Manage a Committee
- Go to Governance and select Committees
- Click on the committee record to open it
- A modal will appear, allowing you to make changes
- Click Save when finished
Delete a Committee
- Go to Governance and select Committees.
- Hover over the right side of the committee record and select Delete
Follow these steps to efficiently manage committees in Athennian