Collection Variables: Tables

Doc Auto Team
Doc Auto Team
  • Updated

There are two ways to present looped collection data in table format. You can use collection loops, or use the table row/column functions -w:tr and -w:tc.


Always ensure that the collection appears in the left-most (first) cell of the table along with either the opening tag {#} or the table functions you are using, and the corresponding closing tag is in the right-most (last) cell of the table.

Collection Variables

By creating a collection loop within a row in a table, each new repeated data loop will add a new row to the table.

Sample Shareholdings Data

Fiona Forrest holds 100 Common shares

Gemma Germinate holds 50 Common shares

Herbert Horticulture holds 100 Common shares

Isabella Iridescence holds 25 Common shares

Julian Juniper holds 10 Common shares

Sample Code

Shareholder Name Number & Class of Shares Held
{#shareholdings}{shareholdingName} {numShares | commaSeparate}{className}{/}

Sample Output

Shareholder Name Number & Class of Shares Held
Fiona Forrest 100 Common
Gemma Germinate 50 Common
Herbert Horticulture 100 Common
Isabella Iridescence 25 Common
Julian Juniper 10 Common

Table Functions

These notations allows you to fill in a table by generating additional rows with -w:tr or columns with -w:tc.

Using -w:tr Notation

Sample Code

Shareholder Name Number & Class of Shares Held
{-w:tr shareholdings}{shareholdingName} {numShares | commaSeparate}{className}{/}

Sample Output

Shareholder Name Number & Class of Shares Held
Fiona Forrest 100 Common
Gemma Germinate 50 Common
Herbert Horticulture 100 Common
Isabella Iridescence 25 Common
Julian Juniper 10 Common

Using -w:tc Notation

Sample Code

Shareholder Name {-w:tc shareholdings}{shareholdingName}{/}
Number & Class of Shares Held {-w:tc shareholdings}{numShares | commaSeparate}{className}{/}

Sample Output

Shareholder Name Fiona Forrest Gemma Germinate Herbert Horticulture Isabella Iridescence Julian Juniper
Number & Class of Shares Held 100 Common

50 Common

100 Common 25 Common 10 Common

Use the Right Notations Correctly!

Error #1: Using -w:tc Instead of -w:tr

Shareholder Name Number & Class of Shares Held
{-w:tc shareholdings}{shareholdingName} {numShares | commaSeparate}{className}{/}

Bad Output #1 

Shareholder Name Number & Class of Shares Held                
Fiona Forrest 100 Common Gemma Germinate 50 Common Herbert Horticulture 100 Common Isabella Iridescence 25 Common Julian Juniper 10 Common
Error #2: Wrapping variables in one set of -w:tc only
Shareholder Name {-w:tc shareholdings}{shareholdingName}
Number & Class of Shares Held {numShares | commaSeparate}{className}{/}
Bad Output #2
Shareholder Name Fiona Forrest  
Number & Class of Shares Held 100 Common Gemma Germinate
Number & Class of Shares Held 50 Common Herbert Horticulture
Number & Class of Shares Held 100 Common Isabella Iridescence
Number & Class of Shares Held 25 Common Julian Juniper
Number & Class of Shares Held 10 Common