I am having problems generating my documents. What can I do?

GianMarco Athennian DocAuto Team Document Coding - Level 3
  • Updated
  • My documents are missing paragraphs/sections/words.
  • My documents are missing the signature blocks.
  • My documents generate blank.

Issues like these can be easily avoided by following some very simple best practices:

  1. To generate documents, it is always best to do it from a freshly created task. Reusing previous tasks is not recommended. This is particularly important after any changes to the data or system have been made.


  2. Make sure to fill in all of the date fields in the task. 




  3. If the task involves Principals (eg. Organizational task, Change of Principals task, etc.), make sure to indicate any applicable incoming, and outgoing principals.

    mceclip6.pngNote: make sure the principals with the appropriate roles are selected.

  4. If the task involves transactions (eg. Organizational task, Share Transactions task), make sure to indicate all applicable transactions, and the corresponding certificates.

    mceclip7.pngNote: The easiest way to properly match a transaction and the corresponding certificates is using the "Select at date" button in the task (when applicable). This will automatically select the correct transactions and certificates based on the Transaction Date indicated in the task.


If you followed these best practices, and are still experiencing issues generating documents, don't worry! A Document Automation Specialist is just a couple of clicks away. You can contact us using the Resource Center in the application. We will be happy to assist you.



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