The People Record Overview

Nonto Mthembu
Nonto Mthembu
  • Updated

A breakdown of the different sections of a people record



In the Contact section, you will find all of the contact information of the individual. You will therefore find fields such as a person's Name, Email, Phone Number(s), Occupation, Designation, Passport Number, Driver's License, Date of Birth, and so on (See Screenshot 1). If you would like to add notes to a person's profile, you can do so in this tab in the Notes field. You can also add tags to the person's record in this section for ease of reference when searching through the people records to find certain individuals.



In the Addresses section, you will find a list of all of the addresses associated with the person's record. You can add as many addresses as you would like, update addresses through this section as well. To learn how to manage the people addresses, consult this help article.



In the Associations section, you will find a list of the affiliations this individual has with other entities as a Principal, Shareholder, Secretary, Member, Lawyer, Paralegal member. To learn how to bulk resign an individual across different entities from this section, consult this help article. To learn how to bulk appoint an individual across different entities from this section, consult this help article. To learn how to bulk appoint an individual across different entities from this section, consult this help article.



In the Documents section, you will find a list of the documents associated with this invididual. To add documents to this section, simply click on the New button and then choose one of the options to upload the document from.


Audit Trail

In the Audit Trail section, you will find a list of all of the changes made to this person's profile. This is also known as the history section.


Structure Charts

In the Structure Charts Section, you will find the chart listing the Entities which the person has ownership in.


To learn how to create a person record in Athennian, consult this Athennian help article.


Video overview of People Record: