Learn how to search for People across the Athennian database!
To search for people, follow the steps below:
Navigate to the People tab down the lefthand side of the application
Click the Search bar in the top right-hand corner of the screen
Search for a person in any of the following ways:
Type the first, last, and/or middle name of the person to view a list of all people with that first, last, and/or middle name. For example, by typing John Doe, a list of all people with John AND Doe will pull up in the search results
Use quotation marks to search by the exact name of the person to view a list of only people with that exact name in that same sequence. For example, by typing "John M Doe" or "John Max Doe", a list of only people with those exact names together in that same sequence will appear.
Use the Statuses located in the search bar to search by the status of People