Entity Templates

  • Updated

How to create an entity template to save time when creating similar entity records.

To use entity templates, we first need to create a template entity record to copy from. Template Entities will duplicate all data that exists in the template to the newly created entity record with the exception of registration numbers, transaction records, and document files. This allows you to save time when creating a high volume of similar entities. 


Creating an Entity Template

Any entity record can be used as an entity template by changing the entity record's file status to Template in the file status dropdown menu in the top-left corner of the entity's profile.


Creating an Entity from a Template

Once you create a template entity, you can create a new entity from that template by following the instructions listed below:

  1. Navigate to the Entities tab

  2. Select New

  3. Select Entity from template from the dropdown menu

  4. A new Create entity from template window will open up prompting you to select the template you wish to use to create your new entity - check off the desired template and then select Continue

  5. Enter the Name for New Entity, and then check off whether you would like to Copy Minute Book Headings and Sections and/or Copy All Folders and Documents

  6. Select which Access Group(s) to link this new entity to in the Link with Access Group(s) dropdown 
  7. Select Create to create the new entity from the template

  8. The new entity record will open automatically

Template Data to be Inherited by New Entity

The newly created entity will inherit the following data once an entity from a template is created:

  • Entity Type

  • Home Jurisdiction

  • Public/Private Status

  • Min & Max Number of Directors

  • All Addresses & Agents + Creation Dates (will have to rename addresses)

  • Principals/Controllers + Addresses + Election/Appointment Dates + Titles + Status

  • Share Classes (not the created date)

  • Default Currency

  • Annual Compliance General Information

  • Registrations + Filing Dates (will have to rename registrations)

  • General Overview of Articles

  • By-Laws + By-Law Meeting/Signing Authority Specifications

  • Tasks + Created Dates

Additionally, if you check off Copy Minute Book Headings and Sections and/or Copy All Folders and Documents, the newly created entity will also inherit the Minute Book from the Template entity's Minute Book tab as well as all of the Documents and Folders located in the Documents section of the Template entity.


Editing an Entity Template

When you set the file status of an entity record to Template, the template entity will be listed in the main entity list in the Entities tab, just like all of the other entities. To make any edits to the template, simply update the template entity record. To delete a template, set the entity file status to Delete