Localization and Translation

  • Updated

Athennian has just released a new feature that enables the translation of documents in French (Canadian) for Entity Type, Entity Sub-type, Country, Region, dates and number formatting. 

How do I get this set up?

In the General > Entity Details section of a given entity, users will now see a new Language field. When a Jurisdiction is set for an entity, the language selector would remain disabled until a region that has French as it's official language is selected. If French is the official language in that country, the users will be given more options in the language selector drop down. This implies that entities where the Jurisdiction is the US for example, the language selector will be disabled whether or not a region is selected. If a different country is selected, when a French speaking country was earlier selected, the language for that entity will default back to English. So users will need to change the language back to French. 


With the new translation feature, the entity type and subtype lists are dynamic based on the jurisdiction and region of the entity. E.g, The entity type Group of Persons is specific to Québec, as such, Group of Persons is only an option when the jurisdiction is set to Canada, Québec.


How does this affect the Documents I generate?

Great question!

Documents can only be generated in one language at a time. If multiple documents are to be generated in French, then the language for those templates will need to be set to French in the Template settings section of the application. This can be done by clicking on the pencil icon beside the template to make changes to the template settings.  Screen_Shot_2021-12-15_at_12.53.59_PM.png

A language is required to be selected in order to save changes made.

Note: The language set in the template settings takes precedent over the language in the entity details section of an entity. I.e, if the language selected in an entity is English and the template merged has French set, the documents will be generated in French. Also, this feature has not been built out for all jurisdictions yet with a focus on Canada and the US.  We will refine the lists for other jurisdictions over time.