Export Principal, Affiliations or Associations Data

  • Updated

Export lists directly from an Entity's Principals, Affilations, or Associations sections into Excel!

Exports are a very handy feature that allow for a list being viewed online in Athennian, to be extracted into Excel. 

What appears on the screen is what will be exported to Excel, so it is helpful to leverage the Filters to fine-tune the details on the screen before exporting.

For additional details about using Filters, check out the Filters for Affiliations & Associations Lists article. 

  1. Navigate to the Principals, or RelationshipsAffiliations or Associations tab
  2. To narrow down the data that will appear on the Export, apply the appropriate Filters
  3. Once the filters are applied, review the data that appears and ensure it is correct
  4. Click the Export button on the top right-hand corner of the page
  5. The generated Export will be saved in an Excel (.xlsx) format and is available in your web browser download files