Learn how to EFile a change of directors in British Columbia
To EFile a change of directors with the BC Online Registry, simply follow the steps listed below:
Navigate to the entity profile for which you would like to file a change of directors, select the Tasks section, and then select + New to create a new Change of Principals Task;
In the task Type field, select Change of Principals from the dropdown list and add a Memo Description for your new task - note: once you will have selected this task type, a 2. Change of Principals tab will appear;
Navigate to the 2. Change of Principals tab to add the relevant information;
You will notice a File Change of Directors button available to you in this tab; this will only be available for filings in either BC or ON;
Add the relevant dates in the Resolution Date and Effective Date fields;
Select the + Principals button to add the directors to be removed/elected - note: the status of the directors being removed will need to be set to Outgoing, and the status of the directors being elected will need to be set to Incoming;
Select Show More and fill in the remaining fields as required;
Navigate to the 3. Supporting Documents tab and select + Supporting Documents to generate the applicable documents;
Select the appropriate templates and then click Add to include them as the supporting documents for the Change of Principals Task;
Select Create in the bottom righthand corner of the window to create the task, and then select Generate documents;
Select View Documents Now to be redirected to the Documents section to edit, review and send the documents out for signature;
Once all of your documents are signed and completed, navigate back to the Change of Principals Task, go to the 2. Change of Principals tab and select File Change of Directors;
Confirm the information set out in the draft Change of Directors filing and then file the change;
Once the report is successfully filed, the filed documents will be added to the Virtual Minute Book and the user will receive a notification either in the Notifications section or as a green message in the bottom left hand corner of the screen;
Once the Change of Directors is filed, set the task to Completed by selecting the status tab in the top right of the task card - once you select Completed, you will be prompted to confirm information and update various fields in the database;
Check off the Update start dates and/or Update end dates boxes as the case may be to update the relevant date fields in Athennian;
Check off the Set incoming principals to confirmed and/or Set outgoing principals to inactive boxes as the case may be to update the statuses of the principals in Athennian;
Finally, select Confirm in the bottom righthand corner of the screen to finish the workflow.