Learn how to dismiss an officer, director, manager, or other types of principal in Athennian!
Removal of Principals
The process for the removal of a principal is very similar to that of the appointment of a principal in Athennian. To remove a principal, follow these simple steps:
Navigate to the entity where the principal is to be removed;
Go to the Principals section of that entity and check off the box next to the name of the principal to be removed;
In the blue banner that appears at the top of the screen, select Change Status and then select Outgoing from the dropdown list - notice that the Start Date and End Date fields are empty in the blue banner;
In the new window that pops up, select the Reason for the removal, select the End Date, and then add any additional Notes as necessary;
Select Confirm - notice that the End Date in the blue banner has been updated;
Select Apply at the far right of the blue banner - notice the principal's status update and End Date update in the list.
Generating Supporting Documents
Generating the supporting documents for the principal appointment is as simple as following these steps:
Once the principal record has been created and the status set to Incoming, navigate to the Tasks section of that entity to generate the supporting documents;
Click + New - a new window will pop up prompting to enter the task information;
In the 1. Details tab, add a Memo Description to label the task;
Select the Change of Principals task type from the Task field dropdown list;
Navigate to the 2. Change of Principals tab and enter the applicable Resolution Date, Effective Date, and/or Reference Date;
Select + Principals to add principal information - a window will pop up with three different tabs: Directors, Officers, and Managers;
Select the outgoing principal(s) from the list of principals and then select Add - Note: if the templates reference the current directors of the entity, add the Confirmed directors to the task;
In the 3. Supporting Documents tab, select + Supporting Documents to add the applicable supporting documents to the task;
Check off the desired templates and select Add;
Select Create to create the task, and then select Generate Documents;
Click View Documents Now to view/edit the newly generated documents in the Documents section of the entity;
Once the documents are completed, navigate back to the task, click into the task record, and change the status of the task from New to Completed by clicking on the status in the top right-hand corner and selecting Completed from the dropdown list;
Once the selection has been made, a new window will pop up prompting to make the necessary changes to the principals' appointment dates and statuses;
Make the necessary changes and click Confirm;
Save and close the task.