.DOC files can be previewed
.DOC files were introduced in 1997. We know you have records that date back that far, so we made sure those documents of yore can be viewed in Athennian today––and beyond.
Start date for the first previous name is Incorporation Date
When changing the name of an entity we left you wondering "When did this entity's name first get implemented?" Well, there will be no more wondering! The start date of the first previous name for an entity will now be automatically included using the entity's Incorporation Date. If the start date of the first previous name of an entity remains blank in your records, simply go to the Compliance section of the entity and enter the entity's Incorporation Date.

- A second entity name change could not be completed if the date for it was later than the first entity name change. Now, it can.
- We removed the additional Task ID column that was unintentionally added as the first column to all XLSX exports of Custom Reports and got the CSV exports populating again