December 8, 2021: What’s new in Athennian

Hali Wong
Hali Wong
  • Updated


Convert Word documents into PDFs upon generation

Have a template that you almost always convert from Word to PDF?  Well, now you can skip the pesky step of generating it as a Word document!  Before you merge the documents, just be sure to tick the “Convert word to PDF” box, and presto, any Word documents selected will be generated directly to a PDF.




Include year with Bring Forward Date

Bring Forward dates aren’t always an annual event.  To help you accurately manage those filings with a biennial, 5 year, or any other schedule you encounter, we’ve added the Year as an optional field to the HOME REPORT BRING FORWARD and RESOLUTION BRING FORWARD fields under Filings dates in the Compliance section of your entities. Additionally, we’ve included a field so you can indicate the filing frequency specific to each entity.  



  • If saving a new Custom Report in a folder, the report was disappearing. Now when you save a new Custom Report in a folder it stays where you saved it!