October 14, 2021: What's new in Athennian?

Hali Wong
Hali Wong
  • Updated


Entity Details are lookin' sharp

Our design team has been working hard to make your experience better. Part of this means standardizing field types and we've applied the standardizations to the Entity Details page first. This refresh will help you navigate the information faster and direct your gaze to what's important. Check it out and be sure to let us know what you think!
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Custom Report title given more focus

To make it more obvious what Custom Report you're running, we've given the Custom Report title a new look! If you're not happy with the name, you can still change it. Simply click on the Action menu and you'll find the option to rename it there. Remember: to edit a report you'll need to be the owner––this goes for renaming as well.
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  • We added validation so when issuing shares you can't issue them without a shareholding name
  • When using the app in French, the buttons in Custom Reports were not resizing properly––you can now see the full contents of all buttons and dropdowns en Francais