Upload ALF Cards to Athennian

  • Updated

Learn how to upload single or multiple ALF Cards directly into your Athennian database.

Uploading an ALF Card from your computer into Athennian is easy to do. You can even upload up to 25 at once! 

Follow these steps to get the data into your Athennian database:

  1. Navigate to the Entities section of Athennian

  2. Select New in the top left-hand corner

  3. You will see a drop-down, select Import entities

  4. The Create entity from imported data window will appear

  5. In the Format drop-down field, select ALF

  6. In the Link with Access Group(s) down-down field, select the Access Group in which you want to store these Entities
  7. You can now either drag and drop the ALF Card file (.txt) into this window or Choose Local Files

  8. Click Continue and the ALF Card will be uploaded into the Athennian database

  9. You should now see the newly imported entity in the system in a Pending Status