Charts: Dynamic Legend (Enterprise Customers Only)

  • Updated

Available for Enterprise Users Only
Charts are now more customizable than ever! You can now apply different visual cues that will meet the needs of your different stakeholders, by applying colour and/or shape to Entity Types, Tax Structure, and Jurisdiction. We also break down the Save and Reset function changes made to the legend/chart formatting! Learn more about it by reading this article and watching the video!

Apply Colour and/or Shape

You can now apply colour and/or shape to:

    • Entity Types
    • Tax Structure
    • Jurisdiction 


  • You cannot apply a visual cue to multiple categories. For example, colour cannot be selected to represent both Jurisdiction and Entity Type.  If colour is being used for Jurisdiction, then it will be disabled for Entity Type, and vice versa. This is to prevent having an entity with conflicting qualities.
  • If a visual cue is being used in one category - in order to apply it to another category, the cue must be removed entirely from the current category and then it will be available to be selected for another category.

Exception: Tax Structure and Entity Type can both have a shape applied - in this case, the shape for Tax Structure will always override an Entity Type if conflicting.



Save and Reset when changes are made

Formatting applied is on a per-user basis and will apply to all Charts for that individual user.

Changes you made will stick and be there the next time you log in. However, they will not be applied to your colleagues' charts, and they will not be applied on a single entity-by-entity basis.

When making changes to a legend, you can Save or Reset the changes.

  • In order to apply changes - you will need to click the new Save button that appears at the bottom of the legend.
  • If you made changes to the Standard Legend, a pop up modal will prompt you to create a new legend with your changes, with a Enter new legend name field and then click Add.
  • If you made changes to any other saved legend, you can either save changes directly on that existing legend by clicking on Save changes or creating a new legend by clicking on Save as new legend and entering the new legend name, then click on Save.
  • Once added, the new legend will be added to the dropdown list at the top of the legend
      • If you include the name of an existing legend when creating a new legend, 'Copy' will be added to the end of the legend name to avoid duplicate names (i.e. "Legend Name Copy").

Note: There is a Reset button available at the bottom of the legend. When clicked, the legend will revert to the default/last saved legend you were viewing.



Save Multiple Legend Configurations

Charts also have ability to save multiple legends, specific to a user. You can save different visual cue combinations to be applied to charts, to quickly update a chart to meet different stakeholder preferences.

  • When you navigate to the Charts section for the first time and/or have never saved a legend, the legend will be set to a default called Standard Legend where:

    • Jurisdiction is set to the Country of the target entity.

    • Entity Type and Tax Structure default into shapes often encountered in IRS standard charts.

  • At the top of the legend, there is a dropdown:

    • When there have been no saved charts previously, it will say Standard Legend.

    • When clicking on it, there is an option to + Add New Legend that opens a pop up modal prompting you to create a new legend, by entering a new legend name field and then clicking Add.



  •  If legends have previously been saved, there is a list of legends in alphabetical order.
    • Each saved legend has an x next to it which allows you to delete the saved legend.

      • The Standard Legend will not have an x next to it and cannot be deleted or edited.

      • Clicking on a saved legend applies the visual cues set for the saved legend.

Navigating away from a chart that has changes in legend

When navigating somewhere else in Athennian without saving changes to the legend, you will caution with a Save Changes prompt:

The options are

  • Yes - to save the changes
  • Keep Editing - to stay on the chart and edit  
  • No - to carry on without saving the changes

Note: Back/forward closing the window, refreshing, etc. will not trigger this prompt and will result in the changes being lost.


Add and Remove Categories

You can now determine what categories are represented/customized in a chart so that your charts are customizable to meet your stakeholders' needs.

  • You can add or remove the Chart categories in the legend:

    • Entity Type

    • Tax Type

    • Jurisdiction

Note: You will be prompted to confirm if you would like to delete the category from the legend.


Deleting Saved Legends

  • Each saved legend has an x next to it which allows you to delete the saved legend.
  • When clicking the xa modal will pop up to Delete Legend:

Watch the full Charts Saving Function in Action here: 

This demonstration will show you the full structure of the different ways the Save Functions in Charts work! 



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