Understand Profile and Shared Addresses

  • Updated

Every Entity and People record has the option to assign Profile and Shared Addresses.

  • A Profile Address is an address that is specific to an entity, these include:  Business, Billing, Delivery, Head Office, Mailing or Residential addresses
  • A Shared Address is an address that is managed by a different Entity, but has a relationship to the current Entity or People Record.  Agents or law firms will often share their address to be used by an entity for official purposes.  

Entity Shared Address

An Entity can link to the Profile Address from another central entity in the Shared address tab. The most common cases for this include Records Office, Registered Office, or a general Shared Address, to reference Agents, Accountants, etc.

 1. Records Office

The records office is the location where the corporation is required to keep its corporate records. The corporation's records office may be kept with a law firm so that the lawyers may certify information about the corporate records of the corporation.

2. Registered Office

The registered office is the place where the corporate registry sends the annual reports.

The registered office is also the place where directors of a corporation may send their notices of resignation. For example, the registered office must be located in British Columbia if you have a BC corporation or in Canada if you have a Canadian federal corporation.

3. Shared Address

The entity is a subsidiary of a parent company and uses the same mailing, billing, and head office address as the parent company so you share the address.

People Shared Address

A People record can be connected to Profile Address from another central Entity as an Employer or Organization Address.

 1. Employer

If a person works for an Entity, connect the People Record to the Entity by creating a Shared Address and selecting the role Employer.

2. Organization

Not all connections are employment-based.  To connect an individual to an Entity for any other reason, create a Shared Address and select the role Organization.