Change Entity Name (without a Task)

Amy Carr
Amy Carr
  • Updated

There are two ways to change an Entity name in Athennian:

  • Use the Change of Company Name Task to track history of legal name changes or to generate  documents related to the change of name
  • Or, Change Entity Name (without a Task) directly within the Entity Details

This article provides step-by-step instructions to change an Entity Name without a Task.


Change Entity Name 

  1. Navigate to the entity record that requires the change of name

  2. In the General > Entity Details section, click on Change Entity Name 

    Note:  Any previous names will appear in the Show Previous Names dropdown below the Change Entity Name link
  3. In the Change of Company Name window, populate the data accordingly:

  4. At the top, in the Enter New Company Name field, type the new name for the entity
  5. Select or de-select the option to Include the current name of this entity in the list of previous names
  6. Select the appropriate Update Type
    • Review Shareholdings Within Each Affiliated Entity - select this option if you want to cancel and reissue existing certificates with the new entity name 
    • Globally Update all Shareholdings - this option will automatically update all existing Shareholdings for this entity, no further work is required (unless a Share Certificate needs to be reprinted with the new name)
    • Administrative Edit - generally only used if a typo was found on the entity immediately following the creation of the Entity, and no Securities Transactions have been created
  7. Populate the appropriate Effective Date
  8. Check all boxes on the Required Checklist
  9. Click on the Apply or Next button in the bottom right corner to complete the name change

Note: Once the name of the entity record has been updated, be sure to review the entity for any follow-up procedures required by your organization. For example:  

  • Generate new documents to save in the Minute Book
  • If "Review Shareholdings" was selected above, none of that Entity's holdings will have been updated with the new name, complete the appropriate Shareholder Name Change transactions