Access Groups
Access Groups are a way to segregate data so individuals can only access the entities they are required to access.
Creating Access Groups
- Visit the Access tab from the main navigation
- Click Access Groups from the side navigation
- Click New
- Enter the name of your new Access Group
- Click Create
Once your new Access Group is created, you can manage access to it by viewing the Access Group.
- Select the Access Group you would like to manage
- Choose Users from the side navigation
- Click Add
- In the Add New Access modal select the Access Group or groups you would like to grant access to
- Click Next
- For each individual/User Group set the Role to grant the appropriate level of access to the Access Group(s)
- If required, set an Access Expiry Date. Based on the access expiry date, user access will be revoked to the Access Group selected
- All individuals/groups of individuals will receive an email when granted access to an Access Group. If you wish to NOT send an email, simply deselect the Send email invitation tickbox
- Click Add
Add entities to an Access Group
Once an Access Group is created, you can add entities to one or many Access Groups through the main entities view.
Adding existing entities to an Access Group
- From the main side navigation click Entities
- Select the entity(ies) you would like to include in an Access Group
- Click the # selected ⌄ dropdown and select Share
- Click Assign
Adding new entities to an Access Group or Groups
- From the main side navigation click Entities
- Click New ⌄ and select Entity or Entity from template
- Enter entity details as required
- Click on the Link with Access Groups dropdown
- Select the Access Group(s) the entity should be included in
- Click Create