We’re excited to share the latest updates to the Athennian platform, designed to enhance your workflows and streamline your experience. Here’s what's new:
What's New
Access Users: Custom Role and AI Role now available as Filter Options
Admins now have enhanced filtering options in the Access Users section for improved efficiency. Custom Roles are now available in the "System Role" dropdown, while AI Roles can be filtered using the newly added "AI Access" dropdown.
Access Users: Increased User Export Limit
The User Export limit has been increased to 2,500 records, up from the previous limit of 1,000. This allows for larger user datasets to be exported at once, saving time for admins managing extensive user lists.
Tasks: Auto Ordering for Completed Tasks
Tasks are now automatically sorted by status in descending order, placing completed and archived tasks at the bottom of the list when no specific sorting preference is applied. This default sorting prioritizes active tasks, while still allowing users to customize the order as needed. For consistency, these sorting rules are also applied to tasks within an entity.
What's Fixed
General - By-laws & Rules: Quorum Template Dropdowns Reintroduced
The Quorum dropdown menus have been reintroduced in the Governance > By-laws & Rules section under both the "Director Meetings" and "Shareholders Meetings" areas. These dropdowns retain the same options for ease of use, and a placeholder has been added to indicate that options are pre-filled but can be overwritten by users, improving clarity and functionality.
We hope these updates help streamline your work and enhance your experience with Athennian. Thank you for your continued feedback and support!