No more certificate codes, plus a new way to sort your Registers or Ledgers!
These days, uncertificated, or book-entry shares are quite common. Using Athennian, you have the power to sort uncertificated shares without certificate codes.
From an entity record, navigate to Securities > Shares/Units
From the Transactions tab, click New to begin an Issuance
Enter the appropriate Details and Shareholdings and then from the Certificate tab, select the ‘Uncertificated Shares’ option
Once selected, you'll notice that the Certificate Code defaults to N/A - that's right because Uncertificated Shares no longer have Certificate Code applied!
From this screen, you’ll also be able to determine the order in which the certificate will be listed (sort order) both for default viewing in Athennian and when generating documents.
Click the Review tab to see all the details for the issuance. Then select Draft and see your new Uncertificated (un-coded) Shares!
To see the sort order in action, take peek at this overview of the new features: