Managing Certificates

Nonto Mthembu
Nonto Mthembu
  • Updated



In this article users will learn where to generate certificates in Athennian, how to view and edit certificates, how to cancel and issue certificates, and how to generate certificates in Athennian.


Accessing Certificates

Certificates can be accessed in Athennian by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to an entity record;

  2. Navigate to the Securities > Ownership section;

  3. At the top of the page, select the share class of the certificates to be viewed from the drop down;

  4.  To view the certificates, click on the Certificates tab;

  5. Sort the certificates in the desired order by clicking on one of the column titles.

Viewing and Editing Certificates

Click on one of the certificate records to open up the certificate card. From here, read through the steps below to navigate through the different tabs in the certificate card to view the details contained therein:

  1. The following can be found in the Overview tab:
    - the Total Shares and the Net Shares - note: because issued shares can be stored on cancelled certificates, there are fields for both Net Shares and Total Shares. Total Shares represents the total number of shares that were recorded on the certificate originally. The Net Shares represent the amount of shares that are still currently recorded on a certificate;
    - the certificate code and number;
    - the shareholder;
    -the issue date;
    - the issue reasonScreenshot (112).png

  2. In the Details Tab, the following can be found;
    - the Sort Order, Ledger # and Certificate Code (these fields are editable);
    -whether or not the certificate is uncertificated;
    - whether or not the certificate has a lien/encumbrance attached to it;
    - Legend field
    -Note fieldScreenshot (114).png

  3. The Transactions Tab shows the history of the certificate. This is particularly useful when a data remediation is requiredScreenshot (115).png

  4. In the Documents tab, you will find the links to that certificate's supporting documents which can be found in the Minute Book tab of the entity;

Manually Issuing a Certificate

To manually issue a certificate, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on + New in the top right hand corner, and then select either Change to Certificates or Change to Shareholdings;

  2. In the Details tab, enter the applicable information such as the Type, Transactions Date, applicable Shareholding and Certificate(s), etc.;

  3. In the Certificate Issuance tab, confirm the information to be set out in the new certificate;

  4. In the Review tab, confirm that the information is accurate and click Draft to complete the issuance.Screen_Shot_2021-11-01_at_11.49.17_AM.png

Generating a Certificate

There are four ways to generate a certificate:

  1. By checking off the certificate template in the Supporting Documents section at the end of a transaction workflow;

  2. By going into the Securities > Classes > Certificates tab, checking off the desired certificates, clicking Generate in the top right corner, and from the dropdown, select the Class applicable and then select the desired Certificate under Supporting Documents. Screenshot (118).png
    Screenshot (119).png

  3. By configuring the Word document template to be used as the Certificate Template (this can be found in the General > Compliance section), and then going to the certificate record, clicking the three dots at the end of the record and selecting Generate from the dropdown list; or

  4. By creating a task to generate the supporting documents for a transaction.

Setting up Share Certificate color

  1. To set up what color a certificate should generate based on the share class, a certificate template should first be added under the compliance section for the entity. See step 3 above. 
  2. Click on Governance > Share/Unit Classes 
  3. Select a share or unit class and check off the administrative edit checkbox on the bottom left to enable the fields 
  4. Navigate to the 3. Certificate tab and click on the color picker beside the Certificate Template field to select a color for certificates generated in that share class
  5. Click on the Save button