Cash Dividends

  • Updated

Add additional details to the cash dividend workflow to allow for more robust reporting and document automation!


Document and report on your cash dividends by using the Securities section of the Athennian platform. To declare dividends:

  1. Open the necessary entity and navigate to Securities > Shares/Units

  2. Select the Dividends heading and then click the + New button

  3. Select Cash Dividends and in the Overview tab, fill in the information as seen in the screenshot below. Users will see exactly how many shares there were outstanding as at the selected transaction date. Note: The dividend will be paid as at the date selected in the transactions date field and only include shareholdings outstanding on that date.

  4. From the Review Shareholdings and Amounts Paid tab, you'll see all the shareholders who received the dividend payment, how many shares they had on that date, and how much they got paid.
  5. When finished, click Confirm, and the new dividend will appear inline under the Dividends heading. To review the details of the dividend, click on the dividend.

BONUS: All of this information is available in Document Coding as well!


Watch the video below to see the Cash Dividends workflow in action: