Create a New Class

Sway Dominguez
Sway Dominguez
  • Updated

Get started with creating a new class in Athennian!

To issue securities in Athennian, you'll first need to set up a class. Follow these steps to create your class and prepare for issuing securities:

1. From the Entities tab, select the Entity where the new Class will be created

2. In the Entity Record, go to the Securities tab and select Classes available on the left side

3. On the top right corner of the screen, click + New, then select New Class from the dropdown

  • Alternatively, select Import from Entity to import an existing share class from another entity You can learn more about this in the article: How to Import Classes
  • If working within a new entity or one where no securities class exists, the Classes tab will show "No records to display"

4. In the Class modal, fill in the following fields: Settings, Restrictions, & Certificate


  • Capital Type (Share, Cash, & Percentage)
    For LLC or Partnership Entity Types, the Share will be replaced by Unit
  • Created Date
  • Class Name
  • Certificate Code - Note: Athennian supports any certificate code pattern. Use asterisks (*) for auto-numbering certificates

  • Authorized Amount

  • Vote Per Share
  • Parent Class
  • Any other relevant information as required (Option Code, Warrant Code, Par Value, and Currency)

Note: Any dates entered manually will have to be formatted as follows:



    • Restrictions (Has Special Rights/Restrictions)
    • Redemption Options
    • Redemption Price
    • Currency
    • Redemption  Description
    • Other
    • Dividend Options
    • Special Rights Options


  • Certificate Template
  • Certificate Color
  • Legend

5. Click Create at the bottom right corner of the modal once all information for Settings, Restrictions, & Certificate is entered

Congratulations! A new Class has been created

Happy Creating!