Create a Profile Address

  • Updated

For more information about Shared Addresses, check out Understanding Profile and Shared Addresses.

Within the entity, navigate to General > Addresses, click the blue + New button and click on Profile.

1. Details 

  • Select the Address Type (Business, Mailing, etc.)
  • Add the Effective Date and/or End Date by selecting the date on the pop-up calendar. If entered manually, ensure that the date is in a YYYY-MM-DD format.
    Note: Date fields are not required, and they can be left blank.
  • Check that the status is Confirmed, or adjust the status if entering old historical addresses 
  • Add any Notes about the address, if needed

2. Addresses 

The address screen is integrated with Google Maps, searching for an address here will automatically populate the required fields.

  • Click on the Enter a location field at the top of the window
  • Type the address being entered, and select from the dropdown list that appears
  • If not all fields populate, type in any additional information

  • To add fields such as Attention, PO Box or Suite Number, click on + Add Field

3. Communications

Communications on addresses are used to add contact information that is specific to a particular address. For example, a front desk phone number or generic email address. Click on + Add Communication to begin: 

  • In the Type field, select the type of contact information being added (Phone, Email, etc.) 
  • In the Value field, type in the phone number or email address
  • When done, click Add

  • If additional communication information is available, click + Add Communication and repeat the steps above

  • Once everything is confirmed accurate, click the blue Create button at the bottom right-hand corner of the box