Combine, Bulk Replace, Retire & Delete Addresses

  • Updated

We’ll be rolling out improvements to this area, and the workflows it includes, on October 12th. The improvements made to this section will reduce clicks by up to 50%. Want to see what’s coming? Switch on the “Early Access” toggle in the top right-hand corner of your dashboard to familiarize yourself with the upcoming changes. Click here to learn more.

This article provides steps on how to combine, bulk replace, retire and delete addresses!

There are 4 bulk actions available in the Addresses section - Combine (used specifically for remediation where duplicate records exist), Bulk Replace, Retire and Delete. The  

  1. Navigate to the Addresses section in the entity where the bulk action will be carried out
  2. Profile Tab
        • Combine - Check off the box beside the duplicate addresses and click on # selected at the top and select the Combine option. Click on the Set as Primary Address beside the primary address and Confirm
  3. Shared - Check off the addresses to be Replaced, Retired, or Deleted and click on # selected
    • Bulk Replace - In the Replacement profile page, select the Profile type either as an Entity. Click on Participant to select the incoming profile. Enter the Replacement Effective Date and click on Replace. The replaced profile will have an inactive status and the replacement profile will have a confirmed status.
    • Bulk Retire - Enter an Effective Date and click on the Retire button.
    • Bulk Delete - Click on the Delete button. Note: This is a permanent change and cannot be reverted.