Decrease the authorized share amount to equal or greater than the number of shares issued ⏬
Previously when altering a shareclass the authorized amount could only be increased. But there are circumstances that require a decrease in the authorized amount! To ensure you can manage these situations, we’ve added the ability to decrease the authorized amount to equal or greater than the number of shares issued as-at the selected transaction date. 🙈 Spoiler alert: soon you’ll be able to decrease the authorized amount to any number, regardless of the issued amount.
When documents were moved to the Virtual Minute Book, you could not view them from the Recently Viewed section on the Dashboard. This has been fixed and viewing is back!
When selecting a Task from your Dashboard, you will be taken directly to that specific task in the Tasks view.
Parlez vous français? There were some French translations missing in the French version of the application. These have been translated from English and update.
You can now find all communication types in Custom Reports for Agents & Addresses.