Bulk Document Generation

  • Updated

In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of bulk generating documents in Athennian.

Note: This feature is available as an add-on for Enterprise customers. Please contact your CSM if you’d like to learn more. 

This article will show you:

  • How to generate entity summaries across multiple entities 
  • How to generate documents through bulk document generation and have them merged into a single PDF document.

What’s new:

  • General Task for Bulk Document Generation

This will allow users to extend the types of document templates generated to include any use cases that do not fall within compliance at the moment.

  • PDF Merge 

Ability for Bulk Document Generated templates, across multiple records, to be combined into one PDF document


What does Bulk Document Generation offer?

  • Accurate and consistent: Removes the risk of documents being missed through the creation of Template Packages
  • Custom filters: Use custom filters to create a list of entities based on criteria that you define and generate documents with the click on a button
  • Visualize your work: Easily check in on specific task, entity and document status through Athennian's intuitive and unique task management workflows
  • One source of truth: Leverage Customer Reports to track which entities have work outstanding and replace shared spreadsheets with one source of truth - Athennian!

Generate multiple documents across multiple entities

  • From the Entities view, you are able to filter entities based on Entity Type, Registration Type, Region, or any other filters to help you find the entities/registrations needed, to then generate a template package across all relevant entities.
  • Once you have filtered and selected the entities, the bulk document generation workflow will take you through selecting a template package to apply to all selected entities/registrations and setting up a task.
  • The task will then be applied to each individual entity with the relevant documents attached. 

How to use Filter for Entities through Bulk Document Generation

  • Filter by dates of both home and all other registrations:
    • These new filters allow flexibility to find the registrations (Home or otherwise) that are relevant for different jurisdictions during respective time periods––particularly important in the US where each jurisdiction varies and can have peculiar combinations of these variables.
    • The following filters are available and will support your workflows:
      • Bring Forward Date
        • This field takes year into consideration and requires a year in the bring forward date to be returned.
      • Bring Forward Date (No Year)
        • Allows you to select a date range that does not take the year into account.  Ex: Select Sep 1 - Sep 30 with no year and all other years will be included in the results.
      • Formation Date
        • This field takes the year into consideration and requires a year in the bring forward date to be returned.
      • Formation Date (No Year)
        • Allows you to select a date range that does not take the year into account.  Ex: Select Sep 1 - Sep 30 with no year and all other years will be included in the results.
      • Fiscal Year End (No Year)
        • Fiscal Year End pertains to Home Registration only and does not have a field for year.  When you select a date (or range) all entries with a Fiscal Year End within that Month and Day range will be returned.  Ex: Select Sep 1 - Sep 30 and all entries with a FYE within that date range will be returned.

How to Bulk Generate Documents from Entities

  • Navigate to Entities > Click on the Filter dropdown
    • Filter by Entity Type, Registration Type, Jurisdiction, Jurisdiction Region, etc
    • Click on Apply
    • Select the entities (max of 200) you're looking to bulk generate documents for by using the checkboxes
    • Click on Generate to open the Bulk Generate modal
      • Workflow - Select the Workflow you're looking to follow (General, Annual Compliance or Registration Compliance)
      • Template Package(s) - Click on Add Packages
        • Search for templates in the list and select the ones you're looking to apply by using the checkboxes
          •  Limit of 12 templates per package
        • Click on Add
      • Entities - Review the entities
      • General/Annual/Registration Compliance - Select and add the following:
        • Resolution Date
        • Annual Report Date
        • Effective Date
        • Fiscal Year to Report
        • Notes (optional)
      • Review - Review all information you've filled out
      • Click on Create
        • A task for each entity will be generated and documents will be put into a queue 
        • Documents generate directly into the entity
          • They will also be shown as a virtual link in the relevant task to shorten the review process
          • Ability to download all generated documents at once from the task to send for signature
        • Once a bulk document generation is completed, you will be sent a notification


