Import and Export documents using iManage
Athennian has an integration with iManage, which means that documents can be uploaded or downloaded between Athennian and iManage, and here's how:
Importing Documents from iManage
Navigate to the entity for which the documents are to be uploaded to;
Click on the Documents tab of that entity;
Select the New button at the top left of the documents screen;
Select From iManage from the dropdown list;
The iManage login page will pop up if you aren't signed in already. Enter your iManage User Credentials and click on sign in.
Once signed in, the iManage modal will show up with your folders, documents, and matters. Select the folder where the document(s) to be imported is located and click on the check box beside the document(s).
Click Select at the bottom right
Exporting Documents to iManage
Navigate to the entity for which the documents are to be uploaded to;
Click on the Documents tab of that entity;
Click on the checkbox beside the documents to be exported;
Click number Selected at the top of the documents list and select Export to iManage;
Once Export to iManage is selected, you will be redirected to iManage. Select the folder where the document(s) will be uploaded. Sub-folders can be created by clicking on New folder in the Root Folder;
Click Select at the bottom of the screen