Google Drive Integration

  • Updated

Download and upload documents using Google Drive

Athennian has an integration with Google Drive, which means that documents can be uploaded or downloaded between Athennian and Google Drive, and here's how:


Uploading Documents from Google Drive

  1. Navigate to the entity for which the documents are to be uploaded to;

  2. Navigate to the Documents tab of that entity;

  3. Select the New button at the top left of the documents screen;

  4. Select From Google Drive from the dropdown list;

  5. The option to select files from Google Drive will open - there is an option at the top left of the screen to do a search for the documentation being downloaded to the database;

  6. Click Select at the bottom left once the documentation has been chosen - Note: the selected documentation from Google Drive will be removed from the folder and inserted in the database, it will not be a copy from Google Drive.

Downloading Documents to Google Drive

  1. Check off the documents to be uploaded;

  2. Click number Selected at the top of the documents list and select Export to Drive;

  3. Once Export to Drive is selected, you will be redirected to Google Drive where a prompt to Select Destination Folder will appear - Note: there is a search bar to find the folder the document is to be uploaded to.

  4. Choose the destination folder, and then click Select at the bottom of the screen;

  5. The selected documentation will be uploaded to Google Drive in the location chosen.