Generating a Summary

Sway Dominguez
Sway Dominguez
  • Updated

Generating a corporate summary is one of the simplest tasks you can accomplish in Athennian. Whether you’re preparing for a meeting, organizing records, or just need a quick overview, Athennian has you covered. Follow these easy steps after already selecting an Entity to generate a corporate summary:

  1. From an Entity record, navigate to the General section available on the left and selecting Overview. This is your main hub for generating summaries.
  2. Hover over to the right center of the screen and click on the Generate Summary button at the top right corner of the Overview page and click on it. It’s as simple as that!

  3. Click on Merge, and after obtaining the confirmation then select the Documents tab. You’ll automatically will be redirected to the Documents section
  4. Hover over to the right center of the screen and click on the Generate Summary button at the top right corner of the Overview page and click on it
  5. Click on the document record to preview your summary. Need a different format? You can convert it to a PDF or open it directly in Word Online for further edits

With just a few clicks, you’ll have a detailed and professional corporate summary ready to go. Athennian makes it easy to keep your records up-to-date and accessible whenever you need them.