August 15, 2024: What’s New in Athennian

Charlé West
Charlé West
  • Updated

We're excited to announce the latest updates to the Athennian platform! Here’s everything you need to know about our latest features and improvements:


What's New 🚀

  • Multi-Select in Edit Visibility Mode:
    We’ve enhanced the structure charts with a new feature that allows you to drag your cursor over a group of entities to select and hide them simultaneously using the edit visibility feature. This is particularly useful for managing very large structure charts, enabling you to tailor views more efficiently for specific transactions or requests.

  • Sub-template Search:
    We’ve reintroduced the ability to search exclusively within sub-templates in the document templates section. This enhancement improves efficiency when managing and navigating multiple levels of templates, making it easier to locate and work with sub-templates.

  • SSO Clarification Email on Password Reset:
    If a user registered with Single Sign-On (SSO) attempts a password reset, they will now receive an email clarifying that their account is configured with SSO. The email will inform them that their password and email address need to be managed through their SSO account settings, providing clearer guidance during the login process.



  • Default Entity Status Update:
    When adding a new entity record during a transaction in Athennian, such as when creating a new shareholder, the default status will now be set to "Not Managed" unless you choose a different status. This update offers greater flexibility, enabling users to link new records to their managed data without automatically marking them as actively managed. This change applies specifically to "in-entity" workflows like “adding a new entity shareholding” or “adding a new entity as an agent.” It does not affect the “create a new entity” workflow in the main entity view.

What's Fixed ⚙️

  • Structure Chart Loading Message:
    To enhance the experience of working with large structure charts, a loading indicator will now appear whenever new filters are applied and the chart takes longer than usual to process. This feature ensures users are informed that the system is processing data, helping to prevent premature exits from the chart view. A blue message, “Compiling your Chart, almost there,” will be displayed while the chart is being rebuilt, clearly indicating the ongoing process.

  • Shared Address for People Records:
    We’ve resolved an issue where a person’s address was not correctly displayed when using a Shared Address from an Entity with Multiple Addresses. The person’s address now displays accurately in both the Select Person form and the People list view.

  • Dashboard "Recently Viewed" Documents:
    Archived documents will no longer appear in the “Recently Viewed” documents list on the dashboard. Only active documents will be displayed, providing a cleaner and more relevant overview for users.