October 24, 2024: What’s New in Athennian

Charlé West
Charlé West
  • Updated

We’re excited to share the latest updates to the Athennian platform, designed to enhance your workflows and streamline your experience. Here’s what’s new:


What’s New

Tooltip for Multi-Select in Edit Visibility

  • Easily manage visibility settings with a new in-app tooltip that guides users to hold “shift” and drag to hide or show multiple entities. 

Athennian AI: Initialize - Class Creation

  • We’ve enhanced AI Initialize to automatically gather class information from uploaded documents, making entity creation more robust. Key details like Class Name, Certificate Code, Authorized Amount, and more are now included during the setup of new entities.
  • COST: No additional cost; included in the 3-credit Initialize charge.


Athennian AI: Centralize - File to Multiple Entities

  • You can now manually select additional entities for documents to be filed under, with automatic folder recommendations for each entity.
  • COST: 1 credit per additional entity filed to.


What’s Fixed


  • Resolved an issue where "Exit" and "Publish" were showing the same outcome for some clients.

Articles Section

  • Increased the character limit to 500,000 for various fields under Governance.