Import Minute Book Headers

  • Updated

Virtual Minute Books are becoming essential as the legal community embraces technology and the need for easy access to corporate records from any location. Creating Minute Books is straightforward within the Athennian database! To get started, follow these simple steps to import Minute Book headers:

  1. Navigate to the entity for which you want to create the Minute Book
  2. Go to the Minute Book section of that entity
  3. At the top left-hand side, two tabs will appear: "Minute Book" and "All Documents". Make sure to select the Minute Book view.
  4. Click on the Action dropdown menu and select Import Headers
  5. A Select Entity modal will open, allowing you to search for and select the entity from which the headers will be imported. Once you make your selection, the tabs will be automatically imported into this entity's Minute Book.
  6. You can reposition any of the headers by dragging and dropping them, or by clicking the three dots on the far right of each header to Move, Rename, or Delete.
Note: Documents deleted from the Minute Book cannot be recovered, so please take extra caution when doing so.