Expiry date available for all entity types
You can now enter an expiry date for the Home Jurisdiction of an entity regardless of entity type. The Expiry Date field remains where it has always been for partnerships and for all other entity types you can find it in the Characterization section of Entity Details.
Governing Act in Templates
When creating a new entity from a template the Governing Act is included in what’s populated from the template.
Let die continues to see the end of days
We have worked to ensure all places where an entity status was, historically, “let die” have been updated to the current terminology “let lapse.” One place it had lingered, was the Audit Trail, where you will now find statuses have been updated to let lapse to be consistent with the rest of the application.
- If an uploaded file’s extension (ex. .DOC, .PDF, etc.) is in all caps, it is no longer included in the file name in Athennian
- Ontario e-file Initial Return and Notice of Change are smooth sailing