November 9, 2023: What’s new in Athennian

Charlé West
Charlé West
  • Updated

This week's updates have been primarily directed toward enhancing our platform's capabilities in the areas of document generation, entity record management, task performance, and API stability. Here is a breakdown of the key improvements:

  • Document Generation: Our team has diligently worked on improving our document generation and custom reporting features to guarantee consistent and efficient results.

  • Entity Records: We have introduced the ability for users to seamlessly merge entity records, fine-tuned various functions related to entity fields, and significantly enhanced the load performance of large audit trail data sets.

  • Task Functionality: In response to the growing volume of data, we have increased memory limits for batch processing, providing enhanced task functionality that can handle substantial data sets with greater ease.

  • API Stability: Our focus on the GraphQL API has led to significant enhancements in performance and overall reliability.

For the full list of improvements see below.


  • Document Generation: Documents now generate successfully without any error messages.

  • Roles and Permissions: Access levels can be modified without encountering errors.

  • Entity Records: Combining entities and people records is now a seamless process.

  • Entity Registrations: When registrations are created from an entity template, you can view them without encountering errors.

  • Registration Compliance Tasks: Users can easily update the last filed date for improved compliance.

  • GraphQL API: The GraphQL API functions seamlessly across all foreign registration fields.

  • Entity Creation Date: Entity creation dates are displayed as expected in all imported entities.

  • Affiliation Records: Registrations in affiliation records load successfully.

  • Audit Trails: List records and audit trails for large data sets now load efficiently.

  • Access Section: Helper text in the Access section has been updated for improved consistency and clarity.

  • Entity Templates: Entity template modals now support more than the original 15-template limit, facilitating the use of large template lists.

  • Task Reminder Emails: Task reminder emails are now filtering through as expected.

  • Custom Reports: Saved custom reports display as expected, providing accurate insights