August 4, 2023: What’s new in Athennian

Charlé West
Charlé West
  • Updated


  • FinCEN ID Fields:
    You’ll notice a new field in the entity details section, as well as on a person profile, that lets you track the FinCEN ID for that applicable record. With CTA compliance fast approaching, once you have a FinCEN profile number for either an entity or a person, you’ll be able to track everything in Athennian as well as generate Ultimate Beneficial Ownership reports that may need to include this field.


  • Custom Reports:


    Custom reports now export in the same order of columns that are setup in Athennian. No more jumbled columns and sort ordering.

    Alignment of Reports and Affiliations
    Alignment of role / type / title now matches what is seen in Affiliations

  • Bulk Document Generation
    Documents generated with the Bulk Document Generation tool in the entity list page and in custom reports, now generate successfully whilst still creating the correct task in the relevant entity.

  • Saved Filters in Principals Section
    The Principals section now maintains saved filters when navigating “away from” and “back to” the principals section.