Hiding Entity Levels in Structure Charts

Charlé West
Charlé West
  • Updated

Structure Charts provide a visual presentation of Entity ownership, allowing you to export that visual to another format and share the exported version with others outside the Athennian application.

But what if there is some ownership information you don't want to include in the export?  That is where the Edit Visibility feature comes in! 

This feature allows you to hide specific Entities in the Structure Charts, so only the required information appears.  You can then Export the adjusted view as needed, and Reset the defaults to view the full ownership structure once again.

Note: The Edit Visibility feature will only impact your own view, anyone else that looks at the Structure Charts will see all the information that their own security Access allows. 

Edit Visibility in Structure Charts

  1. Within the Entity, navigate to Structure Charts and click on Edit Visibility toggle to customize the view. 
  2. Click on the eye icon next to the Entities you wish to hide, and the Entities that have been selected will appear cloudy and less clear. 
  3. Select Publish to save your changes, and view the Chart with the selected Entities now hidden.
  4. Then you can Export your new Structure Chart with the hidden Entities.
  5. To revert back to the full view, click Edit Visibility again, and select Reset to return to the full ownership view.  When done, click Exit.