Change a Person's Name

  • Updated

Whether fixing a typo or implementing a legal name change, the following steps illustrate how to change a person's name in Athennian. 

People Record: Change Name

  1. In the People section, search for and open the required People record 
  2. In the Contact tab, click on the Change name link
  3. In the Global name change window, populate the appropriate fields with the changes
    People Name Change.jpeg
  4. Adjust the Effective Date as needed 
  5. Select the appropriate Update Type
    • Review Shareholdings Within Each Affiliated Entity - select this option if you want to cancel and reissue existing certificates with the new entity name 
    • Globally Update all Shareholdings - this option will automatically update all existing Shareholdings for this entity, no further work is required (unless a Share Certificate needs to be reprinted with the new name)
    • Administrative Edit - the change will not be tracked in the Audit Trail and Securities Transactions will not be updated, but any Affiliations or Associations related to the People record will be updated.  (Often used to correct a typo before issuing any transactions.)
  6. Click the Confirm button in the bottom right corner to complete the name change

Note: Once the name of the entity record has been updated, be sure to review the Person record for any follow-up procedures required by your organization. For example:  

  • Generate new documents to save in Entities' Minute Books
  • If "Review Shareholdings" was selected above, none of that Entity's holdings will have been updated with the new name, complete the appropriate Shareholder Name Change transactions