May 3, 2023: What’s new in Athennian

Charlé West
Charlé West
  • Updated

🎉 Charts: New Legend Upgrades

  • 🚀 Expand & Collapse the Legend

With our latest feature release, we’ve upgraded the legend functionality in charts. The legend is now both expandable and collapsible, giving you the ability to refine your view and show only what is needed. This setting will also be applied to any downloads you make of your structure charts. When exporting to a PDF, the legend will always appear on the second page giving you the option to share it with external groups if needed.

  • 🎨 Customize Jurisdiction Colors in the Legend

Additionally, changes to jurisdiction colors in charts are now made directly in the legend. This allows you to better tailor structure charts to meet the requirements of your stakeholders, your clients and third parties. Take an in depth look at our chart updates here.

*Note: changes to colors will revert back to the original color palette when navigating away from the chart.


🎉 New Feature Additions to Bulk Edits

  • 👤 Bulk Edit to People Records 

We’ve now given you the ability to bulk edit the custom role and title on all principal and affiliation records. This action is possible both from within an entity and from a person record, allowing you to make an edit across hundreds of records instantly. Bulk edits empower your teams, by giving you the keys to maintain data accuracy and remain deal ready, at all times.