Adding an Association to a Person Record

  • Updated

The relationship between Entities and People can be created from either an Entity or a Person record. 

To understand the process from an Entity record, check out the Creating Relationships from the Affiliations and Associations Tabs article.

These relationships can be viewed on a Person Record in the Associations section. 

  1. Navigate to the People Record
  2. Click on Associations in the menu
  3. Click on the + New button
  4. Select the type of Association you want to create - Principal, Agent, Responsible Professional, Contact, Other Professional, or Shared Address
  5. The specific Association window will appear with 4 different required sections to populate:
    • Details
    • Entity
    • Addresses
    • Role


  1. The Details section will be populated with the information from the People record
  2. The Execution Name can be set or a Note can be added


  1. In the Entities section, click +Add Entity
  2. Search for the name Entity to be added
  3. Click on the Entity to add it to the Association

Note: to add multiple Entities at once, repeat steps 1 through 3!  Just be aware it will add the same Roles below to all Entities with the same start dates.


  1. In the Address section, click +Add Address
  2. A list of the Addresses set up for the Person record will appear
  3. Click to select the Address that should appear for the Roles added below
  4. Click Apply

Note: this step is optional, but highly recommended


  1. In the Role section, click +Add Role
  2. Select the appropriate Roles and Custom Title, as needed
  3. Populate the Effective Date for when the Person started in that Role
  4. Click Add
Note: to add multiple Roles at once, repeat steps 1 through 4!  Just be aware it will add these Roles for all Entities added above, with the same start dates.

Once you are satisfied with the information, click Create in the bottom right corner.

The new Association(s) will appear in the main window of the Associations tab.  These details will also appear on the connected Entity (or Entities) under Affiliations.